

Everything is Health talk at UBC Learning Circle

Originally posted on the UBC Learning Circle homepage here.
Join Maddie and Nick in conversation about Everything is Health, a podcast they made to summarize current research being done about health on the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver. This is part of the UBC Learning Exchange’s Making Research Accessible Initiative, seeking to build respectful and reciprocal relationships between the UBC and DTES communities. Maddie and Nick will reflect on the process of making the podcast and what they learned along the way.

We would like to reiterate that everyone is welcome to our UBCLC sessions.

Our events aim to embody a safe space for everyone of all different backgrounds to have their opinions and voices equally heard.

Date: Wednesday, January 18th, 2023 (PST)
Time: 10 a.m. to 11:30 am
Where: Videoconference OR internet webinar.
View system requirements
Registration: required to participate; We would strongly recommend signing up for this event if you are interested even if you can’t make the date and time so we can have your information to send you the video link after the webinar session

*Are you unsure whether to sign up for Video conference or webinar? Click here to learn more*

About the Presenters:

Madeline Elder (she/her) is British, Irish, and Tsimshian from Lax Kw’alaams on her fathers’ side. She is currently in her second year of medical school at UBC, and passionate about Indigenous health research and advocacy.

Nick Ubels (he/him) is a second generation settler Canadian of Dutch, Irish, and Scottish descent. He is a community engagement librarian at the UBC Learning Exchange where his work focuses on making research relevant to Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside more accessible to community members.


The topics we cover can often be sensitive or emotionally triggering. Please make sure that you are looking after yourself. If at any point you feel that you need to talk to a friend, Elder, counselor, or family member: don’t hesitate to do so. Check out our Counseling Support Page.