Research Projects


BC CARMA-CHIWOS Collaboration (BCC3) - Women's Healthy Aging Research

Status: Active

Project Lead: Melanie Murray

Other: Helene Cote, Angela Kaida, Neora Pick

The British Columbia CARMA-CHIWOS Collaboration (BCC3) is a community-based, women-centered, cell-to-society study. Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), BCC3 is investigating women’s healthy aging from a holistic point of view, looking at the social factors and stressors in women’s lives, as well as the clinical and cellular factors that may influence women’s health. New knowledge gained from this study will inform approaches to health care that will promote healthy aging for women living with HIV. This study is taking place in British Columbia, and will enroll 350 participants living with HIV and 350 participants who are not living with HIV. For more information about the study and who can participate, please visit