Research Projects


Emulating target trials with big data to strengthen the evidence base for the clinical management of opioid use disorder

Status: Active

Project Lead: Bohdan Nosyk

This project uses advanced statistical methods to develop evidence that can improve the clinical practice of opioid agonist treatment (OAT). The project will run from 2021 to 2026 (expected completion date). In this project, we are exploring all stages of OAT care to develop strong evidence on what works and what doesn't work. In doing so, we'll identify ways in which OAT practice can be improved. Topics we are exploring include OAT initiation/titration, OAT maintenance, medication selection, dosing, tapering, carries/take-home doses, urine drug testing and concurrent care for other medical conditions. We are interested in the perspectives of people with lived/living experience of OAT to inform and guide this work.