Research Projects


The Outcomes for Patients Accessing Addiction Care in Correctional Settings (OPAC Corrections) Study

Status: Active

Project Lead: Eisha Lehal

Other: Seonaid Nolan

The period following release from jail is one of increased vulnerability for individuals with an opioid use disorder, as they re-immerse into their communities, search for housing and employment and attempt to access health care services. Without proper support, this population is at high risk for a relapse to opioid use, overdose and death. To help improve health outcomes associated this critical time of transition from a correctional facility to community, Correctional Health Services (CHS) is implementing Community Transition Teams (CTTs). CTTs adopt a client-centred approach to care, where a case manager works closely with an individual to help them identify their priorities and takes an active role in supporting them to achieve their treatment goals following release from provincial corrections. The OPAC Corrections study seeks to evaluate the impact of CTT's on health and social outcomes for individuals with an opioid use disorder following release from a correctional setting.