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Research 101 : A Manifesto for Ethical Research in the Downtown Eastside

Boilevin, Louise; Chapman, Jules; Deane, Lindsay; Doerksen, Caroline; Fresz, Greg; Joe, DJ; Leech-Crier, Nicolas; Marsh, Samona; McLeod, Jim; Neufeld, Scott; Pham, Steven; Shaver, Laura; Smith, Patrick; Steward, Martin; Wilson, Dean; Winter, Phoenix


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We acknowledge that Research 101 was facilitated on the unceded ancestral lands of the xʷməθkw əy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), and Səl̓ílwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. Acknowledging the unextinguished sovereignty and ongoing resistance and resilience of the Indigenous peoples of these lands is a crucial background to this work. Harmful research practices have long been a source of betrayal, and disrespect in Indigenous communities. Research has long-functioned as a tool of colonialism, and colonial research practices continue in the ways that researchers exploit, exhaust, and extract from Indigenous and other marginalized communities. Finally, as Friesen and colleagues (2017) point out, much of the recent energy and innovation in the ethics of protecting marginalized communities from exploitative research emerged first in the resistance of Indigenous communities to colonial research practices. Thus, our work on empowering informed consent in the DTES is indebted to Indigenous peoples in several ways.